As I’ve written more and more about confidence here on Margo & Me, I’m realizing just how much the topic resonates with you all. The response to other posts where I’ve opened up has been nothing short of humbling – and I love how us as woman can be vulnerable about insecurities. I also endlessly appreciate how we can act together as a community to share what makes our confidence soar.
And because beauty is such a huge part of my inspiration, life, and passion, I wanted to share the small ways it can make a big impact. I think confidence comes from much deeper than the perfect bronzer or a set of lashes, but a little pampering can never hurt! Agreed, loves? These are my tricks for using beauty to boost self-esteem.
Use a jade roller
We’ve all woken up from one too many sips of champagne, one too many late nights, or one too many croissants, only to find our faces puffy, tired, and generally a hot mess. And if you have somewhere special to be, this can be a major blow. Enter: The age-old Chinese beauty regime that is the jade roller. Beauties in China have been using this method to depuff, increase circulation, and flush toxins for centuries. Here’s an amazing tutorial, but the gist is, you want to use this to massage your face, directing the roller up and outwards towards your temples. And voila! – back to your normal, stunning self. (P.S. An ice roller takes things to the next level.)
A skincare regimen
It’s no secret that our skin needs more love as we get older, so it’s important to honor that request. No amount of makeup can completely vanish a dull complexion, which is why skincare is a top priority for me. If you want to feel your best, dedicate 5-10 minutes every single morning and night to a routine – no matter what – and at least one mask a week. I even travel with all of my skincare staples – I’m that serious about it. After dedication, you’ll even be able to go au naturel.
Play up your eyes
What would a beauty post on Margo & Me be without mentioning a cat eye? Even if you’re not a fan of my signature flick, I do think accentuating your eyes can go a long way. Eyes are the window to the soul, after all! Eyelash curlers have a huge impact on making eyes look wide-awake and gorgeous, so it’s not a step to skip. Followed by a couple layers of mascara – even if it’s the only thing you apply – and you’re bound to get a boost.
Happy girls are the prettiest girls, so rock your smile as much as possible. And how easy is that?! OK, OK, a punchy lip stain can’t hurt either.
What beauty steps make you feel amazing? Please share, ladies!