I interrupt this week’s scheduled content for an important message! A lot of you darlings have been reaching out to me for insider tips and tricks when it comes to blog related content. In keeping with the idea of serving as a resource for each and every one of you, I wanted to share some advice and guidance on how to take the perfect picture and how to hone in on your aesthetic – specifically for Instagram – even if you’re not a professional photographer like me. I’m constantly hearing about the latest editing apps and newest camera lenses and I know how easy it is to get super overwhelmed by everything new and exciting. So without further ado, I wanted to share a peak into my process and how I’ve really cultivated my aesthetic as a content creator.
Defining Your Aesthetic
I really believe that style is something you can’t teach. We all have such a clear, defined idea of what personal style means to us. The art is in finding a way to channel it. It’s taken me so long to truly cultivate my aesthetic and it’s important to note that it’s always a work in progress. Always changing and evolving as my life is changing and evolving! It all starts with a strong thesis statement and a deep understanding of what it is you’re trying to communicate, what you’re truly passionate about. From here, it’s easy to come up with ideas and strong concepts that further this. Initially, I started my journey as a fashion PR expert and stylist but in time, I’ve come to understand what’s important to me and that is content creation. In the last few years, my perspective on life and style has become so heavily influenced by the experiences I’ve had, the people I’ve met, and the places I’ve travelled. So much so, that my style and blog is a direct reflection of that. A little secret?! I was JUST nominated by Shopstyle for their first ever Shopstyle Awards for Best Jet Setter Style! I am so honored to accept their nomination and was so humbled. My love of personal style and travel is so deeply rooted in who I am and this is simply an extension of that. More information on how you can vote coming soon!!
The Perfect Lighting Make for Perfect Photos
It may seem like an obvious tip, but I don’t think people realize how important good lighting is for a photograph. It’s key to consider your surroundings and your environment when creating images for your content. Cloud coverage is great for capturing the best outdoor moments. If there IS sun outside, it’s always important to make sure that you’re always shooting with the sun behind you, when it’s not high in the sky, so late afternoon normally works best. Without fail, the most liked photos on my page are the ones with backlight in them. Backlight, when done right, makes for really dreamy, whimsical images. But it’s all about your style. Direct light makes for strong stark shadows and bright colors. Stylistically, knowing what you prefer and sticking to it will help your feed stay consistent (it’s not just about a filter people! It’s about consistent lighting!)
Mastering the Art of the Flatlay
There are so many unique approaches to the quintessential flatlay. It’s something that generated so much traction with the rise of Pinterest, Instagram, and so many other visual platforms. It allows you to express your creativity and individuality while still showcasing your styling and merchandising skills. It’s all about composition, layering and light. Start with a theme and build it out from there. First, select your focal object and point and then incorporate an array of colors to support the main piece through the use of styling props (bags, florals, magazines, etc.) that feel like an extension of the main item you are featuring in the image. If you want a more hands on approach, check out my YouTube video on mastering the art of the flatlay!
Consider your Background
When shooting street style looks, remember to consider the background. You want to create depth through your backdrop to create more interest in the photo (shot at an angle, not straight on). The key is to make your outfit POP, right? So choose a backdrop that has a similar color palette that lets your style do all the talking! You can make informed decisions about site locations and where to shoot based on the already existing content on your blog or Instagram. Take note of the colors and styles you’ve been focusing on lately so everything feels cohesive and organic. It should read like your perfect story!
My Favorite How To’s
When it comes to styling fashion and beauty photos, there are so many different ways in. I’m a self-professed beauty fanatic and am obsessed with all things skincare and make-up. You guys are always asking for tutorials, so one of my favorite things to do on Snapchat, is to share a behind the scenes look on some of my favorite beauty topics (User name is Margoandme). Secret to the perfect cat eye? How to perfect the infamous bold lip? As far as I’m concerned, honest is the best policy! I want everyone to be able to achieve what I’m doing on my blog. I want it to be super accessible. So, don’t be afraid to bare it all when it comes to talking about beauty rituals. I find that you guys always want to know how I really achieve the looks I showcase on the blog and are so appreciative when I let you into my world. That was one of my major reasons for developing my YouTube channel and continuing to share my everyday travels via Snapchat. It gives you an even closer look into my world and the girl behind the blog!
I hope this was helpful and informative for each of you and can’t wait to see how you take all of these tools and apply them into your content! And don’t be afraid to share your insider tips for creating amazing, cohesive content – I love learning new things. After all, it’s what keeps me challenged and inspires me most!
Photos by Fred Cipoletti.