When it comes to confidence, I think one of the hardest obstacles to overcome is accepting your body. It is a struggle that I’ve heard women talk about for as long as I can remember. Somewhere along puberty (at least for me), you start being overly conscious of your body. This magnifies as we enter adulthood, and body image issues can fully consume us if we’re not careful.
I have personally dealt with this for years – though I do think I’ve developed a healthy appreciation for what I’ve got. From feeling self-conscious of being on the more petite side, and part of the itty-bitty committee, I’ve found ways to move past that and love my body instead – at least most days. After all, the human body is pretty amazing and it’s taken me years to truly appreciate what I have, not what I don’t have.
Surprisingly, a huge part of that is thanks to clothing. I think it’s what has always interested me about fashion. Finding what works for my body has been a journey that has amplified while blogging – being in front of a camera and seeing photos of yourself on the reg will do that. I’ve been able to see first-hand what works for me, what doesn’t, what I feel best in, and how to develop that body acceptance that is so necessary and a topic that I hear a lot of you ladies want to hear more of.
So as I put some thought into how fashion has helped me accept my body more, I thought it would be helpful to share a few tips I’ve picked up when it comes to dressing for your body – and I go back to these reminders if I find myself feeling down my own:
Show off your best quality
Do you have a small waist? To highlight your figure, cinch it with a belt or ties. If you have killer stems, wear shorter hemlines. Have gorgeous, strong arms? Tanks should be in constant rotation. Sometimes it’s easy to feel like we should be wearing something because it’s on trend but the most important thing to ask yourself is, “does this flatter me”.
Curate your closet
Shop accordingly to what you feel good in. I personally love when someone has a signature style. Think Diane Keaton in her chic suits or Kendall Jenner in crop tops. There’s nothing wrong with wearing the same style of clothing over and over – just switch up the textures, prints, colors, to make your closet feel inspiringly streamlined. I mean, have you seen my collection if rompers?
Dress for comfort
If you’re uncomfortable, you will not feel your best, it’s just a fact. Don’t worry about what other people are wearing or even what’s the newest trend if those aren’t YOU. Find items that you’re comfortable in (as in feel your most confident in and physically comfy) and make that highest priority.
Use clothing to your advantage
It’s well known that monochrome outfits or black is slimming and elongating, so if height or curves are your stressor, keep that in mind. Bold prints are helpful for petite frames or areas that are smaller, so don’t shy away when you want to enhance a part of your body. And when in doubt, go with DVF’s secret: the wrap dress looks amazing on all figures!
I hope this brings love and acceptance to your body and helps when it comes to dressing yours. You’re beautiful! Never forget that.
Photos by Fred Cipoletti