Although I’m not eager to admit this, Paris definitely had an effect on the way I’ve been dressing recently. In traveling there, I was hoping to encounter some serious style inspiration but what I came back with was way more than that. It’s something I actually have conversations with people regularly about when they ask about how my trip was. I think it’s about time I shared it with you guys too!
There was a very chic woman who once said; “Women should be two things, classy and fabulous”. Can you guess who?! I’ll give you a hint, she is credited with liberating women from the confines of the corset and made menswear chic. If you guessed Coco Chanel, you got it! And of course, she is Parisian. It’s as if there’s something in the water in Paris that gives people this innate knack for fashion.

I have to be honest, the ones who amazed me the most were the moms! Baby on hip, three year old in the stroller (which was some fancy Bugaboo, of course), six year old kicking a soccer ball as they walk, shopping bags hanging from her chic husband who’s in tow, and all while looking incredibly put together! I guess I just don’t see it enough in the states so it really stood out to me over there.
My most memorable moment was in the Jardin Du Royal Palace while we were picnicking. There was a little family, a mom, dad, maybe five year old son who were playing with a soccer ball, kicking it back and forth to each other. She was wearing a pair of boots with a modest heel, a Maison Michelle hat, cigarette jeans…need I say more?
Something about a refined color pallet, sleek silhouettes and a statement heel that is really appealing to me right now. Don’t get me wrong, I’ll never give up my love for prints but it’s now more about interpreting styles differently than I would have before. Thank you for the much needed style pick-me-up, Paris!
Photos by Molly Cranna Photography [thefeedproducts style=’four’]