2017 was a year of tremendous growth for Margo & Me, especially in terms of building our team. For years, it was Freddie and I, and slowly we’ve added team members to the mix as the business grew. As any blogger, influencer, or small business owner can undoubtedly agree, building your brand and business is no easy feat. From running a company on your own for years to suddenly being a boss and responsible for acting as a manager, there are inevitably growing pains involved.
Coming into my own as a boss lady has been challenging, inspiring, rewarding, and a major learning experience! I’m so proud of the team that we’ve built and the lessons we’ve learned thus far. As I hope to continue the growth within Margo & Me, I wanted to share some of do’s and dont’s that have stuck out to me as I navigate this new role. If you’re new to the position as well, I hope they provide insight to working smarter, not harder.
Do: Create 1:1 relationships
Though it’s crucial to have team meetings and team communication, I’ve found that it’s just as important to touch base with each team member one-on-one. By building that foundation with said person, you’re understanding how they thrive. You’re also able to answer questions they may not feel comfortable asking in front of the group. It cultivates trust on both ends as well.
Don’t: Assume that everyone is the same type of learner
We all have a certain way we learn best and everyone is a different type of “learner.” Instead of teaching the way you learn, be upfront by asking your teammates what they are; whether that’s a visual, auditory, reading/writing or kinesthetic learner. Then, try to accommodate that as much as possible when assigning their tasks.
Do: Lead & teach by example
When you’re running your own business, you simply know how to do everything and how everything operates. But when you bring new people into the mix, it’s easy to forget that they can’t read your mind – or automatically know how you like things done. It’s imperative to provide enough examples (which are stored for people to find) and to kindly show what changes need to happen when things aren’t done up to your standards. Instead of not speaking up and just fixing things yourself, take the time to properly teach and explain the inter-workings of said task.
Don’t: Gossip
It’s easy to let your frustrations of one team member out on another, or to put down someone on the team when they make a mistake. But you’re the boss! You’re the example. From the start, get in the habit of refraining from blaming others and talking about them to other teammates. It doesn’t build a healthy working environment and it’s simply not a good look.
Do: Schedule weekly syncs
Just as it’s necessary to develop 1:1 relationships, it’s just as important to have everyone on the same page. Develop a weekly sync (I prefer an hour phone call every Monday) to make this happen. Ask someone to take notes and manage sending out meeting agendas before the meeting and notes after so that information is stored.
Don’t: Micromanage
You’re hiring people because they thrive in their fields. If you take enough time to interview and receive glowing references (which is a must!), trust the people on your team to succeed. Step in when needed, but no one likes a micro manager; so hire people who don’t need the hand-holding. It’ll make your life easier and theirs happier! #trust
And that’s it! Let me know how these new manager tips come into play within your own career – I promise they’ll help!
Photography by Cibelle Levi