LAGOS x Bloomys
LAGOS x Bloomys
LAGOS x Bloomys
LAGOS x Bloomys
LAGOS x Bloomys
LAGOS x Bloomys
LAGOS x Bloomys

Let me guess, you blinked and it’s three days before Christmas – not only are you still trying to figure out what to get for the ladies in your life, but you’ve also been promising to give your beau some ideas for what you want? Yup, same boat over here!

Last-minute gift ideas can be a huge hit or miss and since we’d prefer to avoid the latter, there is just one gift to give that will have them swooning as if you put months into planning. Jewelry! From dainty necklaces to statement bracelets, jewelry is a sincere way to show the ones you love that you put thought into picking out a piece they will cherish for years to come.

So how do you go about picking out the perfect piece? March your bootie over to Bloomingdale’s for one of the most tremendous assortments of fine jewelry one can find. It’s all about the one-stop shop when it comes to last-minute gift giving and when you’re in the market for fine jewelry, not one retailer has more variety than my beloved Bloomies. From the LAGOS bracelet I’m wearing here, to brand’s earrings, and other gorgeous pieces, there’s truly something remarkable to find for everyone on your list from the one-of-a-kind LAGOS designs.

Having trouble deciding on which piece she will love most? If you take the below tips into consideration on your search, there’s literally no way she won’t adore it! Plus, I’ve even provided items I’m fairly certain any girl would freak over.


Everyone has their fave finish, so before gifting, take hints from what material the person wears most often. If they’re a gold girl, stick with that. Drenched in silver? You know the answer.


Next, if you’re interested in a piece that showcases a stone, consider a person’s birthstone to provide a personal touch. Or, research the significance of certain stones. Similar to types of flowers, different stones can represent different meanings.


Go with a body part that they usually style. Maybe the receiver keeps her wrists clear, but layers rings like it’s her job. Take note!


Always account for personal style. If you’re buying for the Grace Kelly type, small studded earrings or a timeless tennis bracelet are sure to please. Buying for someone with edge a la Bianca Jagger? Select a geometric shape or mixed hardware.


When in doubt, go simple. Pieces like diamond studs, a simple infinity ring, or an initial never go out of style, and are the safest bet when you’re totally unsure.