As I enter into the week leading up to my wedding, I can’t help but think; where has the time gone? It seems as though the older I become, the quicker time passes by. To think that it has already been just over one year since visiting this incredible city for the first time blows my mind. It feels as though I had discovered this very street for the first time just yesterday. I don’t remember feeling like the days were as short growing up, they seemed to be never ending. However there’s something magical about this place and being here creates this feeling again, a sense of nostalgia. The feeling of the never ending days from my childhood, hot summer sunsets and walks, long walks.
This past week has been adventure filled and the bridal party has begun to settle in with more guests arriving over the next two days before the festivities begin on Thursday! I’ve found myself constantly checking the time; who will be arriving next! It’s a feeling I haven’t yet experienced while in Paris – the feeling of urgency and excitement for what’s to come. Normally when we visit, we are vacationing and don’t really have a plan per say – but we have a wedding happening people!!! (EEEKKKKK!!!)
I’ve been wearing my favorite watch on repeat, to keep myself on schedule. I discovered Larsson & Jennings almost a year ago. First investing in the black and gold Lader style. Then for Christmas, my brother gave me the gold chain metal – obsessed. And most recently, rounding out my collection with their silver chain metal style. Time pieces can be so cumbersome and bulky. I’ve unintentionally started this collection of Larsson & Jennings watches genuinely because the style is beyond sleek and goes with anything from a dressed down look to something I’d wear with a more dresses look like I am here.
Speaking of, as I look down at my watch now, I’ve got to get this show on the road! Time for dinner already! Just four more sleeps until I’m officially Mrs. Cipoletti! Be sure you’re following along on Instagram @MARGOANDME #JenFredWed2015!
Photos By Fred Cipoletti [thefeedproducts style=’four’]