
While most of my posts are chalk full of the latest and greatest fashion finds and beauty hacks, today’s post is going to be a little bit different. As you may have seen by way of Instagram, we are in the development phase of redesigning our website (the first time in three years). YAY! After three incredible years of blogging roughly three posts per week, it goes without saying that there is a lot of content on here. I don’t know what came over me, but earlier this year, I wanted to create something that felt a little more curated; something that could act as more of a resource for each of you. Instead of just popping by for my latest post, there will be more functionality for the evergreen content that lies here in the hopes that you will use it as a resource. My main goal is to truly create a community for each and every one of you.

Now more than ever, we are inundated with millions of different platforms through which we can experience content. So now I have a question for you: What’s your favorite way to follow along with my adventures? It’s always been a goal of mine to have a solid grasp on the conversation I’m having here on the blog or on YouTube over to Instagram, to snapchat and to Facebook. All the while giving each of you a little more of me via each of these various platforms. We are spread so thin as content creators, so instead of looking at things as “one more thing” I prefer to think of it as a conversation I’m having through lots of different channels. What I’m saying on Instagram might be different from what I’m sharing or offering on Facebook and subsequently YouTube!

That being said, we also have a top secret/not so secret newsletter, did you know about this? We refer to our subscribers as “MMInsiders” and the content we share weekly (every Wednesday) isn’t like anything you’ll find on any of my other platforms! It’s totally exclusive to my MM Insiders. If you’re not signed up, I would love to see you on the list!

In addition to all of this, we also have our beautiful Beauty Edit which is going to be 100x more beautiful once we roll out our updated site. When we launched this in January, we created a dedicated hashtag for it: #MMBeautyEdit. I’d love to see this grow and evolve as our #MMAisleStyle has! What’s that you might ask? On the blog, we also have a destination up top called Aisle Style, even if you’re not getting married, maybe you’re curious about what to buy for the bride and groom or what to wear to an upcoming Fall wedding. This destination is overflowing with this kind of inspiration AND we also have a dedicated hashtag here as well: #MMAisleStyle. On the new site, we are actually going to have a dedicated scroller for both hashtags so if you use the hashtag, you will appear on my site!

This year, it has really been my goal to elevate your visiting experience so you feel like you can interact with me in a more personal way! Speaking of, have you subscribed to my YouTube channel yet? If you can’t tell by your comments, I really so respond to each and every one of you so if there’s anything you have questions about or anything you want to see more of, please let me know as YOU my darling, are the main reason I’m here talking your ear off 🙂

I’m also sharing my story with Fohr Card today on their site; On how I got my start, creative fear, regret, personal growth and THE SHIFT! Getting personal so make sure you check it out!

Photos by Tori Aston.