Happy Wednesday Darlings! If you’re just tuning in now, my most exciting adventure yet was the epic launch of my YouTube channel! It’s something I had been dreaming about for years and knew that it was time to make these dreams a reality. As I continue to grow, I’ve come to learn so many incredible things about myself – as both a blogger and an artist. One of my favorite things about being a content creator is the process of having an idea and creating the framework to help bring it to life, no matter how long it takes. It’s definitely not always an easy road, but I’ve never been one to look for the path of least resistance. There’s nothing better than a surmountable obstacle…
If you’re new to Margo and Me, myYouTube channel, or both – here’s the skinny: Every Thursday morning, I will be publishing aYouTube video that will fit into one of the five playlists that I have created. These playlists were born out of subjects that each of you have asked about or expressed a desire to know more about! My favorites, how-to’s, latest finds, beauty secrets, and so much more! Without further ado, I present you all of my YouTube playlists!
I N H O M E // I N T E R I O R D E S I G N S E G M E N T S
O U T C E L E B R A T I N G // E V E N T H O S T I N G S E G M E N T S
T H E B E A U T Y E D I T // B E A U T Y C O V E R A G E S E G M E N T S
M Y S T Y L E // F A S H I O N S E G M E N T S
D I G I T A L D A R L I N G D E S K S I D E D I A R I E S // B U S I N E S S O F B L O G G I N G S E G M E N T S
With each video, I hope to evoke a conversation with you like I would my best girlfriend. So tell me, which ones are you most excited about and what else would you like to see!
If you missed my first installments of My Style or The Beauty Edit check them out and discover all of the things that inspire my career in fashion, my creative vision and lots more. If you’re all caught up, stay tuned for the release of my very first Deskside Diaries Video tomorrow!!!
Every single one of you has played such a huge part in this creative adventure which is why I want to continue to share my stories and my process! So feel free to comment away and help spread the word! Oh, and don’t forget to subscribe {click here to do so}
Video by Tim & Co Productions // Paris moments captured by Eric Frank Cinema